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Liability Insurance for Business


Protect your company from financial loss due to accidents, product failure, and legal liability. In today's competitive business environment, you can't suffer a financial loss due to unforeseen problems. Let us help protect you and your company with quality liability insurance.


Call today for your personalized liability quote (847) 870-7100 & ask for Paul!


When you own a small business, you have responsibility for your customers, staff, and yourself. But you are also responsible for what happens when people use your product or service or step foot on your premises. Successful business owners understand this. When owners ignore this issue, they usually don’t stay business owners for long.


Owning business liability insurance protects both your business and personal life from financial ruin. There is so much at stake and the cost of this business insurance coverage is so inexpensive that you’re really not doing yourself any favors if you don’t protect yourself by having business liability insurance – regardless of how your business is structured.


What does Business Liability Insurance cover?


If you get sued for personal injury or because of damage to property, you’re covered for the claim and the legal defense costs with most policies.


In many cases, you can buy a generic policy known as General Liability Insurance. This will provide the benefits mentioned above. If you provide professional services, you should consider buying errors and omissions insurance in addition to the general liability policy. If you manufacturer a product, you should protect yourself with a product liability insurance policy.


Without the right business insurance coverage, your business could suffer financial ruin due to a catastrophic loss or legal lawsuit. Obtaining commercial insurance specific to your business needs, will allow you to plan for the worst case scenario, maintain a successful business, and provide peace of mind. Review and assess your business needs often for complete protection of your business.

Why Do I Need Commercial Insurance?

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